Nomination Committee 2025
Pursuant to the principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee adopted during the annual shareholders' meeting on April 13, 2021, the Dometic Nomination Committee shall be composed of the chairman of the board of directors together with one representative of each of the three largest shareholders, based on ownership in the company as of August 31.
The Nomination Committee ahead of the annual shareholders’ meeting 2025, to be held on April 15, 2025, shall consist of Mr. Simon Peterson (Didner& Gerge Fonder), Mr. Niklas Antman (Incentive AS), Mrs. Anna Magnusson (First Swedish National Pension Fund) and Mr. Fredrik Cappelen, the chairman of the board of directors of Dometic Group AB (publ).
Niklas Antman (Incentive AS) has been appointed the chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Shareholders who wish to contact the Nomination Committee can do so in writing to:
Nomination Committee
Dometic Group AB (publ)
Hemvärnsgatan 15, 6th floor
SE 171 54 Solna, Sweden
by sending an e-mail to the Company General Counsel Anna Smieszek