Code of conduct

Code of conduct

As an expanding, multinational company, Dometic is committed to act as a responsible company, employer and business partner no matter where in the world we operate. This is not only important for the company and our employees, but also for our customers, shareholders and other key stakeholders.

The Dometic Code of Conduct is valid throughout our global organization and covers: Human Rights and Employment, Health and Safety, Business Ethics and Environment.

“Dometic’s policies and business principles reflected in our Code of Conduct are a fundamental part of our strategy and serve as guidance for all of us. It is of outmost importance to us to remain a trusted company and a sustainability leader. All our activities shall at all times be conducted with integrity and respect for business ethics, people and the environment. When acting in a transparent and correct way, we show that we have clean hands, a warm heart and a clear conscience. This is and will be crucial for Dometic’s success and reputation in the market.”

Juan Vargues
President and CEO

The principles in our Code of Conduct are built on our core values, our sustainability focus areas, international and national legislation as well as support and respect for the United Nations Global Compact and other ethical guidelines. The requirements of our Code of Conduct apply to all employees, officers and board members of Dometic, in all markets and at all times. All Dometic business partners shall operate in full compliance with the Dometic Code of Conduct for Business Partners. Both documents are available in English and several other languages below.

Employees are encouraged to report any conduct that they believe to be in violation of Dometic’s Code of Conduct, policies or applicable laws and regulations. Any potential issues shall be reported via Dometic's SpeakUp Line, a web and telephone service that is provided by a third party and available in all languages.

For our business partners, we provide an online training which explains our expectations based on our Code of Conduct for Business Partners. The course is open to anyone and we encourage our business partners to take part of it.