Restricted Substances List

Restricted Substances List

The Dometic “RSL” Restricted Substances List covers substances requiring reporting to notify Dometic if an article or a material delivered to Dometic Group contain any of the listed restricted substances. The RSL consists of seven sub-lists. For each sub-list a link leads to an official list of substances as being defined by a Convention or Legislation.

Reporting by suppliers shall be made using templates provided by Dometic. Please note that a specific substance may be found on several sub-list, e.g. lead can be found on the sub-list A, C, E and F. In such cases suppliers are only required to report once if an article or material contains lead.

# Sub-group of substances Specification and links Remark
 A Substances banned in several product specific legislation such as EU RoHS, China RoHS, ELV and several others EU RoHS Annex II (ECHA version) Presence of substances shall be reported to Dometic even if concentration level is under the legislative threshold value or if the article benefits from a specific exemption in the legislation.
 B Refrigerants restricted by the Montreal Protocol For ozone depletion substances:
Annex A of the Montreal Protocol
Annex B of the Montreal Protocol
Annex C of the Montreal Protocol

For F-gases:
Annex F of the Montreal Protocol
 C Substances restricted under Reach Annex XVII Reach Annex XVII Presence of substances shall be reported to Dometic independently of the restricted use conditions under Annex XVII.
 D Conflict Minerals and similar Minerals and metals of tin, tungsten, tantalum,
gold and cobalt
Articles (and their materials) containing these minerals shall be reported to Dometic independently if the smelters are known or not. 
 E Reach Candidate List of SVHC ECHA candidate list Presence of substances shall be reported to Dometic even if the known concentration level is under the threshold value of 0,1% in an article.
 F California Proposition 65 OEHHA, Proposition 65 Law and Regulations Presence of substances shall be reported to Dometic even for other application than those specifically mentioned in the legislation.
 Z Dometic specific substances Currently no substances